June Spending Breakdown

As the month of June comes to an end. I wanted to write out a recap of my month. Show you where my money is going and see what learnings I can pull from this month take into the next!


Income: $7,878
Expenses: $5,056
Savings: $1,826

Income came in right on track. Majority of that coming from pay. Under $100 of my monthly income came from side hustles, which is something I want to focus on bumping up.



Savings were very good this month. I hit 101% of my desired savings goal. 

Expenses. I had an overall good month with $735 remaining on my overall budget. However, I did still spend $5,065. 45% of that being on everything other than rent. 

Additionally, this month 7 of my 13 categories went over budget. Gifts, discretionary and cell phone i’m not too worried about as they were bit of oddities.

However, Bars/Restaurants & Fast food accounted for $1,351 of my total expenses. This is around 17% of my monthly income. Not ideal.

Learnings from this Month & Next Steps

Overall this month I was happy in that I hit my savings goal while keeping around $700 in unspent expenses. My overall savings rate hit 23%, which I am very happy with.

Moving forward, in town we have a large event going on this July, so i’m going to need to keep my expenses on track. Summer weather and patio season make it too easy to have fun spending money.

If i’m going out I need to mix in more waters, I need to consider going home early, or just be mindful of the drinking and eating i’m doing so that I can keep everything under budget.

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